Category Archives: Magento Extensions

Fundamental Magento Extension

The Magento extension download has been produced sticking to strict Magento standard, utilizing modern advancements that encourage clients to introduce effectively on their exceedingly tweaked stores.

The requirement for Magento extensions

Among various sellers that offer Magento ecommerce arrangements, Peexl champion with furnishing clients with best magennto augmentations that take after faithful client bolster strategy and remembering clients’ needs. Magento has been composed with the usefulness to introduce additional modules for a bother free working of your online business prepare.

Sorts of Magento Extensions

There are various Magento extensions for assorted online store necessities like, Marketing needs, Payment portal coordination, Social media advertising and so forth. Through making utilization of this flawless cluster of Magento modules, you can enlarge your online business handle and enhance the webpage activity at moderate expenses. Give us a chance to inspect a portion of the Magento modules and their functionalities that bolster store proprietors:

Magento Reward Points and Loyalty Program Extension

These best magento extensions encourage store proprietors to hold existing clients and to draw in new clients to your site. It empowers to offer clients dedication focuses for their support. These reward focuses are offered on client buys like Birthday Purchase, Referral Purchase, Product Review and participating in Social Media action, for example, FB Like, Twitter and Google in addition to Share. Likewise this module permits the store proprietor to illuminate clients on prizes spend and earned, send email alarms to clients on changed Reward Actions and so forth.

Magento MarketPlace Multi Vendor Extension

This is a perfect module to extend your business by changing your Magento ecommerce store into Marketplace with complex dealer items and administrations. Likewise, you can permit different venders to enlist and offer their items, set bonuses for every merchant, every item, every item class and every customer gather.

Magento Currency Auto Switcher + GeoIP Location augmentation

This encourages the store proprietor to distinguish and divert guests to their local dialect store consequently for good comprehension of your items. Notwithstanding auto recognition of client’s IP address, this module grants money settings by both manual and programmed.

Magento Instagram Module

This module encourages you to increase the look and seize of your web store and empowers you to discover clients’ consideration by showing your Instagram photographs on site.

Magento Hide Product Price For Non Registered Users Extension

These Magento extensions encourage the admin to incapacitate items cost and bolt the shopping basket for unregistered clients. This office empowers the admn to confine clients by customer amasses that can see estimating and item for procurement.

Magento Premium Promotion Extension

This is helpful to improve your web store with differed value decides that can draw more clients and urge them to make more buys. A portion of the standards this module empower are ‘Purchase 2 and get level rate’, ‘Purchase 3 and get level rate’,’Buy X and get Y free worth V’ and so on. This can advance your items effortlessly and hold clients and empowers you to set various mixes of items.

Magento Out Of Stock Notification Extension

This empowers you to enter your Email Id for items that are out of stock and advise to clients, once the stock is renewed. Additionally, it encourages the administrator to erase things from Notify List and pulls in the consideration of potential clients by showing your top of the line items on the landing page of your Magento site.

Magento FedEx Address Validation Extension

This module permits you find out whether the given transportation/conveyance address is private or business, and demonstrate the delivery rates utilizing FedEx Address Validation.


With the exponential development of multivendor commercial center nowadays, online store proprietors endeavor hard to make their website more appealing. Through getting to the support of novel cluster of Magento augmentations in their ecommerce site, they can play out their item extension administrations to clients all the more successfully and customer cordial way.